Beauty Hack - Aftershave

Beauty Hack - Aftershave

Unwanted hair?  Whether you battle with excess hair on legs, underarms, face, or bikini line, you know how shaving can irritate skin leaving bumps, burns, and micro-cuts to sensitive skin.  Inflamed skin due to daily shaving needs both calming and antiseptic ingredients that are gentle enough to use daily, yet effective in caring for our most sensitive parts.  Nikua Skin’s Energizing Toner is the perfect solution to an unwanted problem.  We often think of toner as an after-shower, after-cleansing splash to remove debris before applying a moisturizer.  And we think of toner as only useful on the face.  Think again!  Toner is much more than a single step in a facial skincare routine.  Toner can be used anywhere on the body.  For face, it is excellent as an aftershave for both men and women.

Woman shaving face

Toner can also be used as an aftershave on legs, underarms, and the bikini line.  White Willow Bark calms the skin and reduces inflammation.  Organic Alcohol has antibacterial properties to halt ingrown hairs.  DMAE and MSM encourage rebuilding of skin structure, strengthening skin.  Simply apply after shaving to feel the instant relief to stressed out skin.  Allow toner to evaporate or dry before applying moisturizer or deodorant.  Silky smooth skin is within reach!  Reach for Energizing Toner daily.

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